Pump controller VPtronics

Privacy Policy

Vptronics is strongly committed to protecting your privacy. We want your experience with us to be positive, safe, and beneficial to you. Our Privacy Policy aims to put before you in a transparent manner, the information that Vptronics gathers, and the way it is treated when you are accessing our product as a paying customer.
1. PROFILE CREATION: The details entered within the fields at the first time of logging-in, are stored on our servers. This is done solely for profile creation purposes, and ease of access during your subsequent visits. Having a profile allows for us to gather information based on your consumption of our services. As such, allowing us to prepare tailor made offers specifically for your profile.
2. ADDRESSES & LOCATIONS: Vptronics does not store any data related to locations you have visited. Any, and all addresses you visit or save as favorites are uniquely stored on your individual profile within the application, to which only you have access. The pick-up and drop-off location you input, allow us to locate the closest available driver to dispatch to your location in order to facilitate service in a professional manner.
3. CARD PAYMENT: Due to our commitment to the security of your personal card information, we ensure that none of your data is stored on our servers. Vptronics has appointed internationally renowned, IAS and ISO Accredited payment gateway providers, CC AVENUES, to manage all transactions. In addition to using 3DS and 128-bit SSL technology, CC AVENUES manages complex structures to ensure that all information remains strongly encrypted from end-toend. Member and User information, whether public or private, will not be sold, exchanged, transferred, or given to any other third party for any reason whatsoever, without the consent of the customer. Other than for the express purpose of delivering the purchased product or service requested by our Members and Users. Please note: we do not knowingly collect any information from children below the age of 18 through our services. As we require all user of our services to be at least 18 years of age. By continuing to use Vptronics, you consent to the use of your information, as identified above, in accordance with the Privacy Policy. We thank you for your trust!